Oh, alright.
Take misogyny, brothers and sisters. Or rather do not take it, but put it away
from you, banish it from this world. But
just before you do, let’s take a look at it.
Okay, we know, brothers and sisters, that misogyny is a vast and
shapeshifting form, like the clouds of the earth, like storm and tempest and
all the fires that consume the parched wildernesses of the world, and it
stretches back in time beyond memory and we can’t possibly look at the whole
bloody thing, it would take forever.
So a fleeting glimpse, then.
A collage. (And let us remember,
o sisters, that misogyny is not a sin of men alone. Think Irish nuns, think South Asian mothers in
law, think mothers themselves, complicit in genital mutilation, think women who
read the British gutter press). But
okay, brothers, it is basically us, we see ourselves as the beneficiaries, just
another aspect of our gargantuan and sacrosanct male stupidity. So think, “get your tits out for the
lads. And then... Or else...”
In this world, brothers and sisters, you don’t have to walk
far to find an example of misogyny. Or
go far in your own head, either. That is
because when we, oh human beings, want to blame somebody for a great crime, be
it genocide, or be it putting something in slightly the wrong place in the fridge so you knock it over and it’s not your fault, then you do utter, under your breath or in a great roar,
"If that fucking" — and then, because we want to move quickly, we choose
the most inclusive attribute of the person, place or thing onto whom we wish to
transfer guilt for the world’s ills in their most proximate manifestation — "[woman,
man, ethnic/cultural/religious/stereotype or, if analysis won’t even run that
far, something considered obscenely taboo in your own culture] had not done
that particular thing, then [my particular and cherished perception of myself
would not have been momentarily shattered in that unforgivably violent way]."
So I say to you, somewhat out of the blue, brothers and
sisters, misogyny is a demon. And a
demon is not a tiny homunculus, it has neither wings nor horns nor a little
pointy fork to prod you with, neither does it sit in the shell of your ear
describing all the unthinkable pleasures of doing evil things, and suggesting there's no time like now. No. A demon is an irreducible locus of meaning.
Oh yes, brothers and sisters, I thought that would do your
heads in. I thought that would have you murmuring
among yourselves, and not even to the point, not even, “what the fuck is the
mad bugger on about?”
I will leave it there for the moment. Off you go. A
layby on the Huddersfield ring road is hardly the Mount of Olives, and it has started to
snow again. Go forth and fast, and reflect
upon those
words: a demon is an irreducible locus
of meaning (which might sit there and suggest things, but it's much
further into your head, and further outside it, than the little fleshy wingy thing). Same time tomorrow, brothers
and sisters. Have fortitude.
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